Showing all 36 resultsSorted by latest
Occupational Safety and Health of Home Care workers
Exploratory study on occupational safety and health (OSH) risks in the home care sector.
Socio-economic diagnosis of the neighbourhood of La Ràpita Nord
Carrying out a socio-economic diagnosis of the neighbourhood of La Ràpita Nord, detecting the possible potential for dynamisation and identifying strategic lines of work and/or strategic actions to be developed.
Baix Empordà socio-economic diagnosis update
Update the socio-economic diagnosis of the Baix Empordà county carried out in October 2018.
Diagnosis and Plan for Equality of the State Research Agency
Technical assistance that aims to respond to the needs and priorities of the State Research Agency on gender equality issues
Governance model to consolidate a model of territorial consultation in the Alt Penedès
The service aims to define a governance model for the coordination of active employment policies in the county
Hybrid workplaces in the EU: provision of case studies from the public and private sectors
The research aims to explore and understand how companies are adapting their organisation around hybrid models
Designing deeptech with a gender perspective
This work aims to introduce gender balance in the teams by increasing the participation of women in the projects promoted by the MWC Foundation
Gender Mainstreaming the international entrepreneurship programme – Leaders in Innovation Fellowship
This project looks at how to gender mainstream the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship, an entrepreneurial programme of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK
Design and implementation of the first ANECA’s training course on gender equality and evaluation
Notus has collaborated with the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) in the design and implementation of the first training course on gender equality and evaluation of this entity.
Team Hub! – Delivering sustainability to the e-commerce supply chain
TeamHub! Aims at addressing features and challenges experienced in the e-commerce supply-chain, by means of an interrelated set of research activities.
Mapping and analysis of the legislation on telework in the 27 Member States and Norway
The project is aimed at analysing the legislation on telework in the 27 MS and Norway.
Telework and health risks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
This research provides evidence on the experience of telework during the pandemic and provides policy recommendations for a better regulation of telework with a focus on work organisation and health issues.
The definition of worker in the platform economy.
This research aims to contribute to debates on platform work, and national and EU regulatory responses to improve labour rights and social protections for platform workers and other non-standard workers.
The involvement of social partners in policymaking during the COVID-19 outbreakThis study focuses on the involvement of social partners in the formation and/or implementation of those policy measures adopted and implemented during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Trends in the multinational care companiesThe project aims to provide information to support EPSU affiliates in developing company networks in two multinational companies of the health care sector, namely Norlandia and Colisée.
Measuring labour market tightness to improve employment policies and reduce skills mismatchesParticipation in a Peer Review on measuring labour market tightness under the Mutual Learning Programme of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Map of occupational resources
On-line map of resources for insertion and employability in Barcelona, commissioned by Barcelona Activa
ICT mobile workers
Study commissioned by Eurofound on employment and working conditions of ICT mobile workers, including employees and self-employed workers
Evaluation of active labour market policies
Evaluation of implementation and impact assessment of active labour market policies, commissioned by Barcelona Activa
Project to contribute to the eradication of gender-based violence in Turkey through the exchange of knowledge and experiences of civil society organisations in the European Union and Turkey