Showing all 24 results
The role of learning outcomes in vocational education and training
Case study on the role of learning outcomes in supporting dialogue between the labour market and vocational education and training in Spain, a study commissioned by Cedefop
Labour insertion tool
Design of a labour insertion tool in the Baix Ebre region, based on an employment and skills needs assessment. A project commissioned by the Consell Comarcal of Baix Ebre
Globalisation and vocational training
The impact of globalisation on vocational education and training in Spain. Elaboration of the Spanish report for the study commissioned by Cedefop
Training plan for Moianés
Project commissioned by the Moianés Consortium to develop a map of the supply and demand for training in the region
Fraudulent work
Study about fraudulent forms of contracting and employment in the sectors of road haulage, construction and company cleaning, commissioned by Eurofound
Mapping varieties of industrial dimensions
This study applies Eurofound’s conceptual framework of industrial relations at national level
Youth employment plan of Castilla la Mancha
Technical assistance to the Council of Economy, Business and Employment of the government of Castilla la Mancha to develop this plan
Impact of fraudulent work
In depth analysis of the impact of fraudulent forms of contracting work on working conditions inequalities and business competition, commissioned by Eurofound
Erasmus+ project that aims to improve the proximity responses for the adaptation of vocational education and training
Strategy of sustainable urban development
Design of sustainable urban development in diverse urban and sub-urban areas. Projects commissioned by several local administrations
Support to the local third sector
Cooperation project with Tunisia to promote the third sector through tailored support and the exchange of experiences between Spain and Tunis
Project to contribute to the eradication of gender-based violence in Turkey through the exchange of knowledge and experiences of civil society organisations in the European Union and Turkey
FP7 project to develop an internet portal to exchange knowledge and inspire collective action on gender and science
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Skills forecasting and labour market developments
Participation in Cedefop’s network of experts on forecasting skills
Participation in Eurofound’s European Restructuring Monitor Observatory
Participation in Eurofound’s European Observatory of Working Life