Showing all 21 results
Erasmus+ project that aims to improve the proximity responses for the adaptation of vocational education and training
Strategy of sustainable urban development
Design of sustainable urban development in diverse urban and sub-urban areas. Projects commissioned by several local administrations
Support to the local third sector
Cooperation project with Tunisia to promote the third sector through tailored support and the exchange of experiences between Spain and Tunis
Youth employment and training strategy
Technical assistance to the City Council of Prat de Llobregat to articulate this strategy
Encouraging studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
Study commissioned by the European Parliament to identify practices targeted at young people that contribute to increasing the supply of STEM qualifications in the labour market
Project to contribute to the eradication of gender-based violence in Turkey through the exchange of knowledge and experiences of civil society organisations in the European Union and Turkey
Cross-border governance and cooperation plan
Elaboration of a draft plan for the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government) addressing the needs for coordination and overcoming cross-border barriers between Spain and France
Youth Guarantee
Technical assistance to the Catalan Employment Services for the implementation of this programme in Catalonia
New approaches to local development and employment
Technical assistance to the City Council of Vilafranca del Penedès in order to promote the self-employment of highly skilled unemployed people
Public-private initiative for employment
Technical assistance to the Hospitalet local council to promote employment through the collaboration of the main local public and private stakeholders.
European Skills Panorama
Technical assistance for the initial design of Cedefop’s portal on employment and skills
FP7 project to develop an internet portal to exchange knowledge and inspire collective action on gender and science
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Skills forecasting and labour market developments
Participation in Cedefop’s network of experts on forecasting skills
Governance and financing of apprenticeship
Study commissioned by Cedefop to contribute to improving and consolidating the dual vocational training system
Participation in Eurofound’s European Restructuring Monitor Observatory
Participation in Eurofound’s European Observatory of Working Life