Showing all 20 results
Map of occupational resources
On-line map of resources for insertion and employability in Barcelona, commissioned by Barcelona Activa
Replacement of workers
Study to identify the replacement demand for workers who will retire in the next 10 years in Hospitalet de Llobregat
Vocational training resources
Analysis and proposal for organising the vocational training resources in Barcelona commissioned by Barcelona Activa
Evaluation of active labour market policies
Evaluation of implementation and impact assessment of active labour market policies, commissioned by Barcelona Activa
Labour insertion tool
Design of a labour insertion tool in the Baix Ebre region, based on an employment and skills needs assessment. A project commissioned by the Consell Comarcal of Baix Ebre
Training plan for Moianés
Project commissioned by the Moianés Consortium to develop a map of the supply and demand for training in the region
Youth employment plan of Castilla la Mancha
Technical assistance to the Council of Economy, Business and Employment of the government of Castilla la Mancha to develop this plan
Strategy of sustainable urban development
Design of sustainable urban development in diverse urban and sub-urban areas. Projects commissioned by several local administrations
Youth employment and training strategy
Technical assistance to the City Council of Prat de Llobregat to articulate this strategy
New approaches to local development and employment
Technical assistance to the City Council of Vilafranca del Penedès in order to promote the self-employment of highly skilled unemployed people
Public-private initiative for employment
Technical assistance to the Hospitalet local council to promote employment through the collaboration of the main local public and private stakeholders.
Vocational training
Provision of technical assistance to the Andalusian Regional Government to develop a proposal for a vocational training law in Andalusia
Holistic vocational training centre
Technical assistance to Vilafranca del Penedès to create a holistic vocational training centre for Wine Tourism in Catalonia
Labour market integration of young people
Study about the integration of young people in the Gornal neighbourhood of Hospitalet de Llobregat.
Promoting tourism in Vic
Technical assistance to support local development by promoting tourism resources in the city of Vic and the Osona region