Support to the local third sector

Cooperation project with Tunisia to promote the third sector through tailored support and the exchange of experiences between Spain and Tunis

  • Funding body: European Union, Europaid
  • Partners: Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, ACMACO


RETICEL. STRENGTHENING THE LOCAL THIRD SECTOR (Renforcement du tiers secteur local)

The project aims to define a strategy to promote the Third Sector in Tunisia based on the European experience. It focuses in three areas of the country: The metropolitan area of Tunisia, Gabés and Sidi Bouzid.

For each area, the project has developed a diagnostic study as well as a strategic development plan. These plans have been agreed with the main actors of the third sector. At the same time, in each area, a platform to organize the third sector has been created and has been given organizational and administrative support to represent the sector. Training provision has been organized for the entities of the third sector in each of the areas with courses to strengthen their capacity for dialogue and management of the entities. Events have been organized to promote employment initiatives and the development of business projects. Finally, a national report has been prepared with proposals on how to promote and consolidate the organization of the third sector at the local level.

The project has a scientific committee composed of national and international experts.

The project has organized several activities to publicize the results of the project and has organized a final dissemination conference.


Photo Credit: Micheal Foley, Doors of Tunis

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