collective bargaining
Showing all 12 results
The interaction of minimum wages and collective bargaining for low-paid groups
This research aims to analyse how changes to statutory minimum wages impact collectively agreed minimum wages and actual wages
Telework and OSH – regulation and gender dimension
The study updates the 2021 EU-OSHA report “Regulating telework in a post-COVID-19 Europe” and provides further analysis on the gender dimension of telework and OSH (occupational safety and health)
Industrial relations and industrial democracy – updating composite indicators and analysing trends over time
This study aims to revisit, revise and update the Eurofound study ‘Measuring varieties of industrial relations in Europe – a quantitative analysis’ (2018)
Index of Industrial Relations in the field of OSH
To develop the EU OSH Barometer on social dialogue, EU-OSHA commissioned Notus to build a composite indicator (or index) of industrial relations in the field of OSH: the OSH-IR index.
TWING- Exploring the contribution of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the promotion of decent and productive telework in the post-COVID-19 scenario
Network of Eurofound Correspondents
As member of the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, Notus provides inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.
Social dialogue and collective bargaining in hospitals and civil aviation during the Covid-19 pandemic
The study aims at enhancing the understanding of how social dialogue and collective bargaining have been playing a role in the adaptation of hospitals and civil aviation sectors to the consequences of the pandemic in the 27 EU countries
The quality of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the field of Occupational Safety and Health at company level
The objective of this project is to elaborate an expert methodological article about how to measure the quality of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the field of Occupational Safety and Health at company level
Towards a more dynamic collective bargaining
Sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences between administrations and experts on labour reforms in collective bargaining. Peer review programme of the European Commission.
Win-Win arrangements
Study commissioned by Eurofound to analyse innovative win-win measures through social dialogue at company level
Representativeness of the social partners in Europe
Representativeness studies about social partners in selected sectors commissioned by Eurofound
Qualification and professional classification
Development of a system of professional classification based on the National System of Professional Qualifications in the agricultural sector