INVOLVE project on dual VET is reaching its end
The INVOLVE project on dual VET, which started in May 2020, formally ends on 31 July 2022.
The INVOLVE project, led by notus, and funded by the European Commission (VS/2020/0145), has focused on four countries: Spain, Greece, Poland and Portugal. These are countries that have recently developed dual VET systems projects or are trying to strengthen, reinforce or improve their dual VET systems.
The project had two main research objectives. Firstly, to analyse the degree of social partners’ involvement and participation in the governance of dual VET systems. Second, to develop national scenarios on how to establish integrative governance structures of dual VET systems.
The project has been implemented by a consortium involving four research centres (one per country analysed): Notus-asr -lead organisation- (Spain), CICS.NOVA of the Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal), the Institute of Public Affairs -IPA- (Poland) and the Labour Institute of the Confederation of Trade Unions -GSEE- (Greece).
In terms of methodology, the project developed, in its first phase, desk research focused on scientific literature and regulations on dual VET. The results of this phase were presented into 4 national reports which are published on the project website.
In a second phase, the project carried out fieldwork which included, firstly, a total of 99 semi-structured interviews with state/government authorities and social partners involved in the governance of dual VET. Secondly, mini-case studies were carried out with a view to analyse cooperation and coordination initiatives between companies, VET schools and trade unions, focusing on the implementation of dual VET initiatives. The results of the fieldwork were also presented in 4 national reports which are available at the project website
In the third phase, the project partners developed “visions” for more inclusive governance structures. The visions were formulated on the basis of a deliberative scenario methodology, based on workshops, in which different actors (policy makers, academics, trade unions and employers/business organisations) discussed desirable changes in governance structures to improve the involvement of social partners in dual VET in the four countries studied. As a result of this work, four national scenario reports were produced.
In a fourth phase, the notus coordinating team developed a comparative analysis based on the results of the desk research, the fieldwork and the scenarios. An executive summary of the comparative report and a summary report of policy recommendations have been also published. The latter two reports have been translated into the four languages of the countries studied in the project ((enlace a deliverables)..
In addition to the published reports, the team has published scientific articles and presented papers at academic conferences based on the project results. It has also organised seminars with social partners and organised a final conference.
The project started in a context marked by the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, and the mobility restrictions enacted by the governments. These restrictions prevented face-to-face meetings and, in some cases, also required fieldwork (interviews, workshops, etc.) to be carried out by virtual means. In spite of these inconveniences, the project has been successfully completed and has been able to achieve all the objectives initially foreseen.Notus is grateful for the commitment and excellent work of all the project partners and the kindness of all the social agents and representatives of governments and public administrations who have collaborated, providing information and sharing their knowledge.
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