industrial relations
Showing all 17 results
Hybrid workplaces in the EU: provision of case studies from the public and private sectors
The research aims to explore and understand how companies are adapting their organisation around hybrid models
The definition of worker in the platform economy.
This research aims to contribute to debates on platform work, and national and EU regulatory responses to improve labour rights and social protections for platform workers and other non-standard workers.
PROMOTE: promoting collaboration and good practice in posting of workers in the agriculture sectorThe project studies and promotes transnational trade union and institutional cooperation actions to ensure the correct application of the Posting of Workers Directive in the agriculture sector
ICT mobile workers
Study commissioned by Eurofound on employment and working conditions of ICT mobile workers, including employees and self-employed workers
Composite indicator on industrial relations
Building a composite indicator on industrial relations for mapping social dialogue at national level. Study commissioned by Eurofound.
Mapping varieties of industrial dimensions
This study applies Eurofound’s conceptual framework of industrial relations at national level
Participation in Eurofound’s European Observatory of Working Life