Showing all 21 results
ACTH2020 project to promote knowledge, collaborative learning and institutional change on gender equality in research and innovation
Spanish report comparing vocational education and training qualifications: towards a european comparative methodology
Strategies for improving of the quality of employment
Trade union strategies in the EU to address growing sympathies of workers and trade union members to vote for right-wing populists and nationalists
Technical assistance for the management of the PECT Ebrebiosfera
Technical Assistance to the Comarcal del Baix Ebre in the management, coordination and development of the Specialisation and Territorial Competitiveness Plan EbreBiosfera
Action plan to promote quality occupation in the Baix Empordà region
Technical assistance to promote a consensus and a pact regarding the improvement of the quality of occupation in the Baix Empordà region
Socio-economic diagnosis of the Midit area
Socio-ecomomic diagnosis of the MITIT area which groups the municipalities of Vandellós, l’Hospitalet de l’Infant, Tivissa and Pratdip.
Evaluation of the opc fp dual projects
Evaluation of the Projects of the Fundación Bertelsmann Coordinated Vocational Guidance and Dual Vocational Training Alliance
Association promoting the Anchovy IGP of the Cantabrian Sea
Coordinate all the concerned actors of the sector to develop a promoting Association Protected Geographical Indication of Cantabrian Anchovy
Keymob-key competencies for mobility
Technical assistance for the project development on transversal competencies of young people taking part in international mobility projects
Territorial strategic plan in Montcada i Reixac
Preparation of a territorial strategic plan in the field of local economic development and occupation of the municipality of Montcada I Reixac, together with a participatory process.
H2020 project on gender equality in research and innovation, aiming to initiate institutional change in seven institutions in the Mediterranean basin
New opportunities for those not in employment, education or training. Erasmus+ K2 project for innovation and exchange of good practices
Skills forecasting and labour market developments
Participation in Cedefop’s network of experts on forecasting skills