Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Synthesis report

Caprile, M. (ed.), Addis, E., Castaño, C., Klinge, I., Larios, M., Meulders, D., Müller, J., O’Dorchai, S., Palasik, M., Plasman, R., Roivas, S., Sagebiel, F., Schiebinger, L., Vallès, N. and Vázquez-Cupeiro, S.

Project Description


Caprile, M. (ed.), Addis, E., Castaño, C., Klinge, I., Larios, M., Meulders, D., Müller, J., O’Dorchai, S., Palasik, M., Plasman, R., Roivas, S., Sagebiel, F., Schiebinger, L., Vallès, N. and Vázquez-Cupeiro, S.

Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Synthesis report

Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Equip de notus-asr:

Maria Caprile

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