Seventh short-term joint staff training event of the project ERASMUS NO NEET in Trento.

On May 6th, 7th and 8th Provincia Autonoma di Trento, partner of the project ERASMUS + New Opportunities for the Not Employment, Education or Training (NO NEET) welcomed the other project partners and organised the seventh learning visit on experiences focused on acting with vulnerable young people who neither study nor work, also known as NEET’s collective.

Throughout those three days notus and the other project partners had the opportunity to know how the education and training system and labour system (Agenzia del Lavoro) is organised in Province of Trento. Also we learnt about their experiences funded to the European Social Fund, experiences seeks to activate young people. The practises presented in the framework of the exchange of best practices were: Youth Enterpreneur Path (YEP) and TLN MOB network.

YEP is a program to promote entrepreneurship among young people. This instrument works by raising awareness through informative sessions in several cities of the province, personalized orientation to young people (interviews, coaching, definition of a Business Plan) and financial support for training (individual learning account) The second practise focuses on the neet collective, aged 18 to 29, and on being able to offer them an international mobility experience through the TLN Mobility programme in which different regions of Europe participate. This program consists of a first training phase to do the preparation of the group of young people (language, recommendations, socio-cultural context …) and a second phase of stay abroad and work experience for about 2 months.