Notus continues to collaborate in the development of the Map of occupational and training resources of the city of Barcelona.

Notus has recently been awarded a new contract to support the updating, collection, introduction, review and exploitation of contents to be published in the application of the Map of Occupational and Training Resources. In this way, Notus will continue to collaborate with Barcelona Activa in the development of the application.

In recent years, Notus has been collaborating with Barcelona Activa in the development of the application of the Map of occupational and training resources of the city of Barcelona. In 2017 and 2018, Notus supported the conceptual design and the first development of the map that wanted to collect the devices and resources operating in the city of Barcelona in order to offer the most appropriate and effective response to the needs of citizens, companies and the territory. 

Subsequently, Notus has been providing technical assistance to Barcelona Activa in the development and evolution of that original Map of resources. This has involved a continuous process of evolution and updating according to the improvement of the technological resources available, as well as the collection of occupational services and programmes for employment guidance, education and training, work experience and intermediation, implemented by different public actors in the city.

Currently, the application represents a tool for consulting the main occupational and training resources that different entities are offering in the city of Barcelona. This consultation tool is useful for both citizens and technical staff involved in professional guidance. The Map is configured in two ways:

  • Internal management website where the different entities can register their profile and thus be able to manage information about themselves, their resources, courses and delegations.
  • Public use website open to the public that allows to consult the occupational and training resources available by territory according to the entity that offers them, population group or type of resource or professional family.

The assistance provided by Notus is focused on the internal management website through which the updating, revision and introduction of the contents that appear on the public website can be carried out. This data entry is carried out based on the detection of new entities, resources and occupational courses in the city. Finally, technical support is also provided for data entry by the entities registered on the internal management website.

More information about the project: