The third exchange of experiences of the REDERA project
The third of the joint learning events of the RedEra+ project “Revitalization and entrepreneurship for deprived European rural areas”, a project funded by the European Erasmus + programme, was held on the 24th of March. The event, organised by the Provincia autonoma di Trento (Italy), consisted in the presentation of two experiences developed in the region of Trento and that respond to the objectives pursued by the project.
During the event were presented:
- Introduction to SNAI – National Strategy for Inner Areas and “Adopt a cow”. Giancarlo Orsingher, Officer at Valsugana and Tesino Community, presented the SNAI launched in 2012 by the Italian Ministry of Territorial Cohesion. The Strategy aims to create new income opportunities, enhance territories maintenance, and ensure that “Inner Areas” inhabitants have access to essential services (local public transport, education, social and healthcare services). After, Giancarlo Orsingher presented an experience resulting from this strategy, “Adopt a cow” where, through a website, anyone can adopt a cow for €65 in exchange for the obligation to visit it and a batch of products. Of the €65, €50 goes to the farmer and €15 goes to a fund to finance social projects in the area. This helps alpine livestock activity and the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, generates visits to the territory that generate income for other economic sectors and provides extra funds to develop social projects.
- GAL and Leader experience in Valsugana – The case of “Forte delle Benne. Giancarlo Orsingher also explain an introduction to the functioning of the Local Action Groups (GAL) and the Leader program in Italy. Then Elisa Cormi, Director at the cultural association of Forte delle Benne explained the experience financed by the Leader program in Valsuaga region. The project, carried out at the Forte Colle delle Benne di Levico, is a small project initially born from the voluntary action of a group of local young people who asked the Municipality to reopen the fortress, to start a digitalization process structured in three new tourist itineraries designed for different target groups: families with children, school groups and categories of disadvantaged subjects, such as children with dyslexia. This generates a new tourist attraction in the area and generates occupation.The event was attended by all the partners of the project led by the Viceconsejería de Empleo y Relaciones Laborales de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha. The next event will be the responsibility of the Tirantes (The Netherlands).
The event was attended by all the partners of the project led by the Viceconsejería de Empleo y Relaciones Laborales de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha. The next event will be the responsibility of the Tirantes (The Netherlands).
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