Representing digital platform workers in Europe: new book published by notus staff

The new book on Digital Labour Platforms has been just released.

As written in the introduction, the book reflects the diversity of platform workers and their strategies to improve their work and organize collectively. Drawing on in-depth research in Germany, Hungary, Portugal and Spain, it reveals how platform workers are actually organising and being represented in contrasting national and sectoral settings in Europe. It is a result of the European project Crowdwork, financed by European Commission (DG EMP), involving teams from Portugal (CISC-NOVA FCSH), Hungary (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Spain (Notus) and Germany (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

In this link you can download the book for free.

The book has been co-edited by notus staff (Pablo Sanz). Moreover, Juan Arasanz (notus) and Pablo Sanz (notus) have co-authored seven chapters which analyse workers’ representative strategies in several sectors developed in the Spanish context.