Young people and employment in Catalonia

Study on the situation of young people in relation to the labour market, commissioned by the Youth Catalan Agency

  • Funding body: Agencia Catalana de la Juventud
  • Period: 2017


The situation of young people in the labour market in Catalonia

This study addresses the situation of young people in relation to the labour market. Based on data from the 2017 Youth Survey of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the current situation of Catalan youth is analysed in relation to the characteristics of employment and the situations of unemployment and inactivity, taking into account the wide range of inequalities within the young population. Once the current situation is analysed, the study adopts a dynamic perspective to study the transition of the young population from the educational system to the labour market, as well as the most relevant aspects of their employment trajectory.


Photo credit: Lynn Gracie’s mom


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