social dialogue
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Managing restructuring under the impact of twin transition in the tourism sector
Analysis of the approaches and outcomes of company-level restructuring or reorganisation driven by the impact of the digital and green (twin) transition.
EGRUiEN – Encouraging a digital and Green transition through Revitalized and Inclusive Union-Employer Negotiations
The main objective of the project is to analyse how social dialogue contributes to ensuring a fair digital and green transition
Social dialogue in the design and implementation of workplace measures to prevent risks from digital technologies
The research aims is to provide a review of examples of social dialogue and worker participation in the design and implementation of digital technologies in the workplace
Telework and OSH – regulation and gender dimension
The study updates the 2021 EU-OSHA report “Regulating telework in a post-COVID-19 Europe” and provides further analysis on the gender dimension of telework and OSH (occupational safety and health)
Industrial relations and industrial democracy – updating composite indicators and analysing trends over time
This study aims to revisit, revise and update the Eurofound study ‘Measuring varieties of industrial relations in Europe – a quantitative analysis’ (2018)
Index of Industrial Relations in the field of OSH
To develop the EU OSH Barometer on social dialogue, EU-OSHA commissioned Notus to build a composite indicator (or index) of industrial relations in the field of OSH: the OSH-IR index.
TWING- Exploring the contribution of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the promotion of decent and productive telework in the post-COVID-19 scenario
The quality of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the field of Occupational Safety and Health at company level
The objective of this project is to elaborate an expert methodological article about how to measure the quality of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the field of Occupational Safety and Health at company level
INVOLVE – Exploring social partners’ involvement in dual VET governance
INVOLVE project aims to analyse the degree of social partners’ integration in the governance of dual VET systems in four countries that have recently developed projects of dual systems of VET
EaSI – SPLINSPLIN is a European research project dealing with the role of social partner institutions in inspecting and enforcing labour standards
Crowd-work – Finding new strategies to organise labour in EuropeCrowd-work – Finding new strategies to organise labour in Europe. The rising of platform-work creates many difficulties to represent and organize crowd workers and challenges the traditional forms of organized labour and the European social model
Study about digitalisation, virtual work and industrial relations. Programme EaSI, DG-EMP, Europan Commission
Cooperation measures for monitoring and enforcement of the Posting of Workers Directive in the construction sector. Programme EaSI Progress, DG-EMP, European Commission
Developing experiences of administrative cooperation in the framework of the posting of workers. Programme EaSI Progress, DG-EMP, European Commission
Win-Win arrangements
Study commissioned by Eurofound to analyse innovative win-win measures through social dialogue at company level
Social partners and the European Semester
Study commissioned by Eurofound to analyse the participation of social partners in the National Reform Programmes and in the European Semester