Deep View, a project coordinated by notus, holds its 2nd scientific conference in Lisbon.

2nd Scientific Conference: Presentation of the field work reports in Lisbon

On June 21 2019, the second scientific meeting and the third steering committee of the project DEEP VIEW (DEcEnt and Productive VIrtual Work)Exploring the contribution of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the promotion of decent and productive virtual work, was held at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa Facultade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas FSCH.

Representatives of all the project partners attended the meeting: FAOS (DK); FORBA (AT), Praxis (EE), FCSH Universidad Nova de Lisboa (PT) and notus (ES); a representative of the Foundation 1 de Mayo (ES), organisation that is associated to the project and also a person representing the Centro de Relações Laborais (PT), as a guest organisation.

At the meeting, the reports on fieldwork on how collective bargaining and agreements at interconfederal, sectorial and company levels regulate the working conditions of mobile workers in each of the project partner countries, and in the sectors under study: ICT sector, financial sector and dependence sector, were presented. The similarities and differences amongst the countries were also highlighted.

Throughout the discussions, participants agreed on the importance of the topics addressed in this project, its opportunity and the need to find agreements to better the working conditions of these groups. At present, the governance of the working conditions of these groups are mainly in the hands of companies and there is very little participation in the process of the representatives of the working population.

All the partner organisations agree on celebrating the final project conference on January 17 2020 in Madrid. It will be an open conference with representation from all the actors that participate in the social dialogue processes of the sectors analised in the projects as well as other sectors to which the findings of the project can reach out to.