Juan Arasanz Díaz

Master Degree on Public and Social Polices

Perfil de Juan Arasanz Díaz

Sociologist by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2001), he also holds a Master Degree on Public and Social Polices from Pompeu Fabra University and the John Hopkins University. His main areas of interest focus on the analysis of working conditions, industrial relations and employment and welfare policies. He has participated in several European research projects, as well as in technical assistance in the field of active labor market policies and local development. Since 2013, he has been combining research activities with university teaching as an associate lecturer at Pompeu Fabra University. In 2017 he joins the Notus team as a researcher in projects related to the impact of digitalization on working conditions and their management through social dialogue and collective bargaining. He has also participated in other projects on the impact of active employment policies and minimum income schemes.

Juan Arasanz Díaz


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