Joan Antoni Serra Pardo

Partner - Research director
PhD in Geography, Territorial Planning and Environmental Management

Joan Antoni Serra Pardo’s profile

PhD in Geography, Territorial Planning and Environmental Management by the University of Barcelona and specialist in territorial analysis. His areas of interest are territorial and strategic planning, local policies for local development and economic promotion, urban regeneration and urban sustainability. Since November 2013, he has been working at notus to carry out socio-economic studies on local development and economic promotion, labour market, training and employment policies, urban regeneration, and poverty and social exclusion. He has also participated in public policy evaluation processes and urban regeneration projects At the European level, he has taken part in several comparative studies on the accreditation of professional skills, the representativeness of social partners and projects to exchange good practices. Finally, he has participated in cooperation projects financed by the Agency for Cooperation to Development and the European Union (Europ-Aid) in Equador.

Joan Antoni Serra Pardo

Partner – Research director

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