The second exchange of experiences of the REDERA project
The second of the joint learning events of the RedEra+ project “Revitalization and entrepreneurship for deprived European rural areas”, a project funded by the European Erasmus + programme, was held on the 3rd of February. The event, organised by the Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro (Italy), consisted in the presentation of two experiences developed in the region of Piemonte and that respond to the objectives pursued by the project.
The experiences presented were: |
Designing policies for rural areas. Enrica Alberti, president of VisoaVisoa, presented the experience developed in the village of Ostana in the province of Cuneo. The presentation addresses the issue of village regeneration through a holistic approach based on three main factors: natural environment, alpine architecture and cultural heritage. |
Youth entrepreneurship in rural areas. Two cases of young entrepreneurs who came back to their native lands to start their own activity in the agricultural sector were presented: Cristina Rainelli, co-founder of Alpeburki, a dairy farm in the Ossola Valley (mountain area in northern Piedmont), and president of the Association of Italian cheese makers; and Stefano Scavino, founder of Duipuvrun, a farm in the Asti area (central Piedmont). This experience addresses the issue of youth entrepreneurship as a driver for social and economic revitalization of rural areas. |
The event was attended by all the partners of the project led by the Viceconsejería de empleo y relaciones laborales de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha. The next event will be the responsibility of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento.

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