notus will conduct the study on opportunities of cross-border youth labour mobility opportunities in the Pyrenees area

The study begins its activity with a kickoff meeting with the Catalan Youth Agency where it will finish defining the work plan initially proposed in the technical report and prepare the presentation of the study to the partners of the Trampoline Project that meet on 10 and 11 of May in Barcelona.

The Trampoline Project was approved last November by the Programming Committee of the Operational Program of Territorial Cooperation Spain-France-Andorra 2014-2020 (POCTEFA). This is a cross-border cooperation project to promote the training and mobility of young people in the Pyrenees between Catalonia, Aragon, Andorra and Midi Pyrénnées. Its main objective is to increase the number of young people who enter the labour market for the first time. In addition to the CRIJ of Toulouse-Midi Pyrénnées, which leads the project, the Directorate General of Juventut and the Office Jove de l’Alt Urgell participate as active partners in the project. Recently, the Catalan Youth Agency (ACJ) began work to implement the project. One of the first actions contemplated by the project is the realization of a study: “Analysis of cross-border youth labour mobility opportunities in the Pyrenees area”.

This study was put out to tender last March and notus was selected as the winner. The study proposes an analysis of the opportunities of young people to get a first job (seasonal employment, work practices, volunteering, etc.), in order to detect opportunities for cooperation, exchange and professional mobility. This combines the bibliographic and statistical analysis of the different  regions  included in the study with the field work through interviews and focus groups with different stakeholders, organizations and local institutions. It should be noted that the geographical scope of the study is formed by the border territories of France and Spain, as well as the whole of Andorra: the departments of the Eastern Pyrenees (arrondissements of Prades and Ceret), of the Upper Garonne (rounding of Saint-Gaudens) and Ariège (arrondissements of Saint-Girons and Foix), in France; the provinces of Girona, Lleida and Huesca, together with the city of Zaragoza, in Spain; and also the whole of Andorra will be analysed.