Notus is leading the European project INVOLVE -Exploring social partners’… read more →
On 28th and 29th November CEDEFOP organised a Workshop in… read more →
Notus is leading the European project INVOLVE -Exploring social partners’… read more →
On 28th and 29th November CEDEFOP organised a Workshop in… read more →
📢 The TWING project’s final conference on Oct 16 gathered 40+ EU experts to review telework regulation results. Panels covered key challenges, national findings, and opportunities for collaboration on future EU telework policies. 🇪🇺
🔗 More info:
📢 We are thrilled to be part of the Final Conference of the project! Join us live to hear the latest insights and outcomes.
🎥 English Stream:
🎥 Spanish Stream:
Let’s wrap up this amazing journey together!
🔍El teletreball ha crescut ràpidament a la UE, però continua generant més dubtes que certeses. A Espanya, la regulació protegeix els treballadors, però deixa marge a la negociació col·lectiva. Escrit pel nostre company Martí Fernández. @bcnmetropolis
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