Rachel Palmén’s profile
Social researcher at Notus. She finished her doctoral thesis in 2007 in CRESR (Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research) at Sheffield Hallam University, which examined community engagement processes in Brazil and the U.K. Her main research interests focus on cpmparative research, working mainly with qualitative data, in the field of gender equality policies. She has participated in the design and development of projects in the field of gender equality public policies, particularly in the realm of gender and science and including the integration of the gender dimension into scientific content. She has participated in various European projects, FP7 and H2020, on gender and science, developing tools for the evaluation and exchange of practices, as well as tools for designing, implementing and evaluating equality plans, contributing to develop a framework for promoting gender equality in research and innovation. She has published various articles in a wide range of social science journals as well as book chapters.

Rachel Palmén
Partner – Research director