Marc Caballero Ciscar

Research director
Degree in Physics, University Specialist in Control and Quality Management

Marc Caballero Ciscar’s profile

Marc has a degree in Physics by the University of Valencia and a Post-graduate degree in Control and Quality Management by the Technical University of Valencia (UPV). His expertice in sustainable local development and employment policies. He has more than 20 years of experience in territorial development management, first, from IDEES S.L.L and now in notus. He has provided technical assistance in territorial coordination processes and in the design of development strategies in several territories, as well as in the design, management and evaluation of local development, Employment, labour inclusion of disadvantaged groups, economic revitalization or support to entrepreneurship projects Over the years he has participated as partner or coordinator in many European projects and initiatives (Community Initiatives, EQUAL I and II, Youth in Action, Equal Opportunities, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus +, EaSI, URBACT) and has managed projects co-financed by ERDF, ESF and EGF funds.

Marc Caballero Ciscar

Research director

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