The second newsletter of the SPLIN project has just been published

The second newsletter of the SPLIN project has been just published and is available in the project website.

SPLIN is a European research project which studies cooperation actions between social partners -at national and transnational level- and public authorities, aiming to ensure fair working conditions.  Notus-asr is part of the project consortium and is carrying out the research of the Spanish case and some activities of the comparative research.

At this stage of the project, the partners have published the national reports, which present the findings of case studies focuses on different “co-enforcement” actions which entail cooperation between social partners and national authorities in the construction sector in Austria, Spain and Poland.

Currently, research team is finishing the comparative reports, focused on the construction and maritime sector; and developing transferability actions aiming foster cooperation actions between social partners and public authorities in other sectors.

More information about the project: