Trends in the multinational care companies
The project aims to provide information to support EPSU affiliates in developing company networks in two multinational companies of the health care sector, namely Norlandia and Colisée.

  • Coordinator: notus-asr
  • Period: 2020-2021
  • Funding body: European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)
  • Partners: Notus


Trends in the multinational care companies, with a focus on Norlandia and Colisée

The project aims to provide relevant information to support EPSU (European Federation of Public Service Unions), affiliates in developing company networks in two multinational companies of the health care sector, namely Norlandia and Colisée.

The study gathers and analyses information on corporate trends in the multinational care companies; employment and working conditions; and industrial relations patterns (social dialogue, etc.). To this aim, desk research is carried out and a survey is conducted in the two multi-national companies which are studied.

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