
Team Hub! – Delivering sustainability to the e-commerce supply chain

TeamHub! Aims at addressing features and challenges experienced in the e-commerce supply-chain, by means of an interrelated set of research activities.

  • Coordinator: notus-asr
  • Period: 2 years, 24 months
  • Funding body: European Commission
  • Partners: BTB (BE), ELIAMEP (GR), FGB (IT), FILT-CGIL (IT), ISP (PL), Notus-asr (ES), UTARTU (FI), VER.DI (DEU)



The Team Hub! project brings together research institutes and unions from nine EU countries (BE, DE, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, IT, PL) to jointly address features and challenges experienced in the e-commerce supply-chain, mostly concerning storing and delivering activities, by means of an interrelated set of desk research and action research activities. The project’s main objective is to analyse the implications of the boom of e-commerce, especially following COVID-19, and to equip unions with knowledge to propose a sustainable reshaping of business model.

The project’s main objective is to analyse e-commerce implications at different geographical levels, and to achieve a shared understanding on how to address them in a view to increase employment and achieve satisfactory working conditions in the e-commerce supply chain . In particular, after a desk research meant to review and analyze existing information and data, the project’s core phases entail case studies on business models and union practices in the ecommerce supply chain, plus a set of national and EU-level events and workshops where workers, unionists, researchers and stakeholders shall discuss: workers’ needs and aspirations, current working conditions and business strategies, possible initiatives by unions and policy makers to shape the future of logistics services most affected by e-commerce developments.

A final phase entails a summary and critical revision of project’s findings to elaborate a final comparative report including policy recommendations. A bold dissemination strategy is conceived in a way both to increase the audience of the project, and to promote active involvement of workers in key initiatives.

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