ISA Project
Study to know the systems of exchange of information between administrations and the different agents on the displacement of workers and compliance with EU regulations

  • Coordinator: Julia Frías
  • Period: 24 months
  • Funding body: European Commission DG-Emp



ISA project is a ‘cooperation’ and ‘evidence’ action addressing transnational cooperation in the field of posting of workers. The project stems from the acknowledgement administrative cooperation is key far guaranteeing a proper application of EU rules on posting. Types of action :

a) Cooperation: supporting the setup of information sharing agreements by means of workshops participated by relevant national bodies and of the project’s reports (guidelines and the final report) meant to steer the adoption of information sharing agreements or the adhesion to existing ones.

b) Evidence: analysing cooperation between relevant authorities in the field of posting of workers, the related outcomes, and assessing how obstacles to information sharing can be dealt with. During a first phase (Country background) the partnership will identify:(i) 4-6 cross-border information sharing agreements; (ii) contacts of key stakeholders in the position to discuss the enlargement of the geographical coverage of the agreements orto setup similar initiatives in the institution of affiliation, and (iii) contextual information necessary to this aim.

Second phase: Agreements in depth. Third phase: Agreements at work. Fourth phase (Agreements in action).

Support the analysis of agreements far cross-border information sharing identified in the country;

Support the draft of the country-level plan addressing the country; Support the draft of the Final Report and of the Guidelines.




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