Notus will provide assistance to the EBREBIOSFERA Specialization and Competitiveness Plan (PECT EbreBiosfera)

Baix Ebre County Council has selected notus in order to provide assistance for coordination and management of the EbreBiosfera Specialization and Competitiveness Plan (PECT EbreBiosfera).

Territorial Specialization and Competitiveness Plans (PECTs) aim at generate innovative economic activity through the collaboration of public and private non-for-profit territorial agents, based on endogen capacities and resources. Those Plans are funded by the ERDF Operational Programme of Catalonia 2014 – 2020 and are framed within the Catalan Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3CAT).

PECT EbreBiosfera is led by the Baix Ebre County Council and gathers public agents as Rovira and Virgily University and Terres de l’Ebre Environmental Policies Consortium (COPATE) with other private as Fundació Agroterritori and the Centre for Technological Transfer of the Furniture Sector. Its objective is to foster a change of the economic model of Terres de L’Ebre territory based on innovation, generation of new added value economic activity and quality jobs. Main tools to achieve those objectives will be 8 flagship projects as a platform for an innovative agri-food sector, the setting up of a FabLab or a programme for the increase of competitiveness in the furniture sector.