Notus organizes the first exchange of experiences of the REDERA project

On the 6th of November, the first of the joint learning events of the REDERA project was held. REDERA is a project financed by the European programme Erasmus +. During the event, the partners presented two experiences developed in Catalonia that respond to the objectives pursued by the project.
Nouts-asr, which is a partner of the project, has identified both experiences. Notus was also responsible or organising this event of training and learning through the exchange of experiences.

The experiences presented were:
School of shepherds of Catalonia.

Presented by Maria Diaz de Quijano, from the socio-cultural association for rural revitalization of mountain “rurbans”. The experience contemplates several of the elements that have led to the formulation of this project: Generational replacement; Attention to an activity inherent to the territory; Training offer adjusted to the needs of a rural space with common problems to those of other partners in different countries.

Training strategies for employment in the service sector of the Consell Comarcal de Berguedà.
Presented by Eduard Barcons, director of the Berguedà Local Development Agency. The experience addresses all those tools that must be put in place to achieve intelligent and sustainable economic development in a rural environment. It also addresses issues related to the need to implement programs of territorial specificity that are aligned with the environment and the opportunities it offers.

The event was attended by all the partners of the project. It was led by Viceconsejería de empleo y relaciones laborales de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha, which was in charge of the logistics of the online seminar.
The next event will be the responsibility of the Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro.