Notus organize the third short-term joint staff training event of the proyect ERASMUS + NO NEETS in Barcelona.

During the 20th, 21st and 22nd of June, notus, as a partner of the project ERASMUS+ New Opportunities for the Not Employment, Education or Training (NO NEETs), hosted the other partners and organized the third training event to learn about experiences focused to interact with young people who neither study nor work, also known as the “nini” collective.

On the first day of the visit, the partners were received by the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC) were Jesus Quiroga, representing the direction of the SOC, welcomed the partners of the project. During the meeting, different members of the SOC presented the “Youth Guarantee Program” in Catalunya and the TLN Mobilicat program.

On the second day of the visit, the partners had the chance to see in situ two good experiences based in Barcelona but that develop a part of their activities outside, the Fomarció i Treball Foundation (FiT) and the Casal dels Infants. In the facilities of the FiT they could see the different economic activities that they carry out and occupy different groups of vulnerable people, they got to know the Nove Oportunitats project that is developed in Tarragona and visit the facilities of their school-restaurant D’ins. In the afternoon, they went to the Raval, where Casal dels Infants was born and has its headquarters to know the long experience that the organisation has in the intervention over children, young people and their families, and specially they showed their program of Training for social and employment inclusion.

On the third and last day of the visit, the Council of Labor Relations of Catalonia welcomed the partners. The general director of Social Economy, the Third sector, the cooperatives and self-employed, Josep Vidal, and the general secretary of the Labor Relations Council, M. Àngels Pujol, welcomed the attendees. Afterwards, technical team of the General Secretariat of the Council presented the institution and the tasks that are being developed within the framework of their groups on models and learning initiatives and practices for professional and youth training and work. During the session, the director of Programs of the National Youth Plan of Catalonia, Àngels Piedrola, also participated, and shared some of the most emblematic projects they are developing.