INSPIRE Project Meeting 3 Viena

The INSPIRE Project (September 2022 – September 2026) is a research project supported by the European Commission, which aims to create Europe’s Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. 

The 3rd in-person INSPIRE Project Meeting and the 2nd Knowledge Exchange Event (KEE) were held in Vienna on 25, 26, and 27 September 2024, where Notus participated as a consortium partner.

Notus leads Task 3.5 to develop the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) version 3 in collaboration with FUOC and UJ. In the meeting, Dalia Argudo presented the progress of the Task. One of the milestones of the task was the development of the new GEAM versions: the GEAM Employees v3 and the GEAM Students v1. These surveys were launched in May in the LimeSurvey format. Another key deliverable of the task was the development of the Open Training Unit (OTU) 2 with three chapters about how to use the GEAM tool, including its purpose, workflow, and basic components. Finally, the next steps of the task will include the development of the OTU-5 with the GEAM Analysis Handbook and Workshop-4 for the Data Monitoring II on advanced analytical approaches of GEAM results in 2025.

Notus, as co-leading partner of the Knowledge and Support Hub on Intersectionality with Hasselt University, also had a facilitator role during the KEE. The event held on Friday gathered 70 people including INSPIRE’s partners, external experts and representatives from the 11 CoPs supported by the project. The aim of the knowledge exchange events is to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences within and across KSHs and CoPs. On this occasion, the focus was on intersectionality as the topic for exchange. This KE event provided a space for the crossovers between the main thematic / practical areas of INSPIRE: i.e., what intersectionality means when we work on sustaining change, widening participation, as well as innovation. Lorena Pajares, together with Joanna Beeckmans from Hasselt University, were in charge of facilitating one of the group’s discussions on “Cultivating intersectionality practices and policies for equality work”. Lorena also moderated the final slot where the work done in the breakout sessions was reported back and discussed in plenary.

All in all, it was a very enlightening, fruitful and inspiring event, where networks and alliances among CoPs were strengthened and insightful reflections and inputs were provided from both experts and practitioners to feed the upcoming working papers, in which INSPIRE’s partners are already working.

More information about the project: